5 Reasons Why CCTV is the Home Security System of Choice

If you are looking to provide some security for your home, look no further than video surveillance. Simply put, installing a few well-placed CCTV cameras around the perimeter is all it takes to keep intruders at bay! You could invest in a very complex (and costly) home alarm system, but with the ability to monitor and record any unauthorised access, no burglar would ever attempt to gain access to a property with CCTV installed. If you are yet to be convinced, here are just a few of the reasons why…

Annual Appliance Maintenance Tasks You Don’t Want to Forget

Most of us don’t think too much about our appliances on a day-to-day basis. We grab cold drinks from the fridge, toss our clothes in the washing machine and place the dishes in the dishwasher. It’s only when these things don’t work as we expect them to that we realize how important they are — and how much of an inconvenience it is when they don’t work.   The thing is, though, that most appliance issues can be easily avoided with basic maintenance. Taking the time to clean, inspect and…

What Type of Roof will Last the Longest?

There are a few factors involved that would affect the lifespan of your roof. Whether you have shingles, tile, ceramic, or steel there a few things you should be aware of before making any roofr decisions. Here is how you can get a longer lifespan on your roof! Shingles Shingles on your roof make a big impact on the style of your roof. While shingles might not last as long as upper-luxury options like slate, tile and cedar may outlive several homeowners they are affordable, look good and get the…

6 Home Security Measures To Take To Prevent Intruders

Security is often a concern of many homeowners, and there are many things that you can do to improve this. Below are some ideas to help improve the security in your home that you should maybe consider following. Photo: Lagois Design Build Renovate Secure Lock & Window Locks A straightforward way to improve your home security is to upgrade the locks to all your exterior doors and ensure that each window has a lock added to it as well. When you go to sleep at night, ensure that all windows…

DIY Tips to Improve Your Home’s Interior

When it comes to getting a house ready to sell, improvements don’t have to break the bank. Simple DIY improvements will help you sell your house for more money. In fact, sometimes they can save sellers money throughout the selling process. Below, you’ll find some of the best ways to increase home value without spending a lot of dough! Photo: Oh Beauty Interiors Get started One of the best things you can do to get the most out of a home’s value is hire a real estate agent. The National…